Lesley has been a keen writer for many years, although her background is mainly in amateur dramatics . She has written several short plays, sometimes working in tandem with Helena Sheridan, another member of LiterEight. A past President of Ayr Writers’ Club, former Affiliation /Accommodation Secretary for the Scottish Association of Writers, former Secretary for the Writers’ Summer School in Swanwick. Lesley re-joined the ‘Swanwick’ Committee in 2016, this time as Treasurer. Her involvement in the ‘Swanwick Page to Stage’ workshop, developing a short play from script to final performance, has rekindled Lesley’s love of acting and she has performed with two local theatre companies – Hipshot Theatre Company, with Chris Taylor, and Polymorph Theatre Company, with Jan van der Black showcasing new plays.
Lesley has studied counselling skills and theories and, in 2017, graduated as a Person-centred counsellor from the University of Strathclyde and is currently resident counsellor at Oshay’s Brain Domains in Ayr, an organisation dedicated to the support of people with FASD (Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) Lesley has written many humorous poems, short stories, some short plays, sketches, and articles. She has many pieces of work in the pipeline – not least of which is a biographical article on her father.